Cultural Revitalization Fund
Kehkimin Wolastoqey language immersion school
JEDI raises funds through the delivery of its Indigenous Reconciliation Awareness Module (IRAM)*. 100% of these funds will be used to support initiatives related to the revitalization of Indigenous language, culture, and traditions in the New Brunswick region.
The IRAM Cultural Revitalization Fund will support initiatives according to the following priorities:
Indigenous language revitalization and education, specifically in early years and primary grades.
Elder and/or Youth-led initiatives relating to Indigenous language, culture, and traditions.
Hands-on/experiential training relating to ceremonies, for example, fire teaching, medicine teaching, water teaching, etc.
Elder initiatives and gatherings that support good quality of life for our aging population and survivors, including ceremonies to welcome survivors' home and travel to gatherings.
Unique Residential and Day School Survivor requests to attend training/activities to help them on their healing journey.
Elsipogtog Early Years Immersion program
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must live within the New Brunswick provincial boundaries;
A letter must be submitted stating the need for funds and what the funds will be used for;
Supporting letter(s) from community Chief & Council/community leader, or community Elder/Traditionalist illustrating the applicant’s work within community language, culture and traditions.
Previous donations under this fund have been made to the Kehkimin Wolastoqey language immersion school, Elsipogtog Early Years Immersion program, and the Msit No’kmaq Forest & Nature School.
How to Apply
Send your written request to Tiger Levi at In your submission, please include the full details of your initiative, including the date, location, description, and monetary amount requested. Please include any supporting letters with the request.
All submissions will be considered but not all will be funded. Submissions will be reviewed within one month of when they are received. Maximum of one application per year.