Meet Tyler Foley: JEDI’s Labour Market Research Specialist

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Since the summer of 2018, Tyler Foley has worked as JEDI’s Labour Market Research Specialist. Within this role, he works to collect information in many capacities, which ultimately helps JEDI plan better programs and initiatives. Tyler holds a BA in Political Science and International Development, an MA in Political Science, and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Political Science.

Can you describe some of your roles and responsibilities?

My primary responsibility is working for the Indigenous Labour Market Information project. This project works with Indigenous communities to collect better labour market information about each respective Indigenous community – from information relating to community member’s work and training history to aspirations. The idea is that by painting this better picture of community needs, we can develop better community plans, and plan better initiatives.

What are your goals in your current position?

My main goal is ensuring the relationship between JEDI, communities, and our partners remains active through activities being carried out in my role. I would also like to build upon efforts that are already underway and to improve awareness about data and information in the community that can be used for strategic and useful purposes.

What is your story?

I’m from a military family, which means that I moved around a lot as a child, but I’ve lived in Oromocto, New Brunswick, for most of my life. My first summer after university, I started planting trees in British Columbia, which I think was a critical turning point in my life because it sparked my desire to travel. There’s a bit of a tree planting culture which is about making your money and running, as in exploring the world. After graduating, I spent two to three years traveling and working in forestry.

Traveling seems to be a significant theme in your life – can you talk a little bit about that?

I spent a considerable amount of time in Central America and South America. I was interested in going to a part of the world radically different from Canada. I remember flying into Guatemala, going through the airport, and hit by a wall of heat as the outside doors opened. I didn’t speak any Spanish, I didn’t know anything about the country, all I had was an address. That was the beginning of a lot of travelling for me.

What makes you unique?

I would’ve initially said I’m pretty laid back and that I like to have a sense of humour about things, but that’s almost like everyone here at JEDI, I share that with a lot of people here.

What are your hobbies?

I like to garden and I usually like to be playing a sport of some kind, especially ultimate frisbee or softball. However, I don’t engage in many hobbies right now because of my Ph.D. studies. When I’m not at work, I’m usually studying.

What is your favourite thing about working at JEDI?

I appreciate how easy going the work environment is; everyone has a great sense of humour. I also like that you’re never bored; there’s always tons of stuff on the go.