The Brun-Way/JEDI Bursary Program is now accepting applications for two $1000 bursaries!
The Brun-Way/JEDI Bursary Program is open to all New Brunswick Aboriginal post-secondary students. This bursary is awarded yearly to help support Aboriginal students in accomplishing their educational goals.
To be eligible, you must:
- Be a full-time Aboriginal student currently enrolled in a post-secondary institute;
- Be residing in New Brunswick;
- Have proof of studies at a post-secondary institution. (Preference may be given to those enrolled in University Degree programs, due to the depth of commitment and expense involved.);
- Supply a copy of your resume;
- In 500-1000 words, write an essay illustrating:
- Your need,
- Your objectives,
- Your future goals and aspirations,
- Your commitment to education, and
- Your desire to help NB First Nations’ communities thrive.
Application forms are available at:
Joint Economic Development Initiative Inc. (JEDI)
150 Cliffe St., Box 11
Fredericton NB, E3A 0A1
(506) 444-5650
Or you can download them from the website:
To apply:
Please submit your completed application, resume, proof of studies and essay to the JEDI office by November 30th, 2015.
A selection committee will review all applications and a final award of the bursary will be issued in January 2016.
Brun-Way Highway Operations Inc. (Brun-Way) is responsible for the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of 275 kilometers of highway from the Quebec Border to west of Fredericton, and between Woodstock and the US border, until 2033.